Greetings, Tutors

(Sorry for the poor subject name, couldn't think of anything better)

I'm writing a MUD server as part of a school project. Yes this is
homework, but I'm not taking a traditional programming class (going
through the OCW for CS50 at Harvard and getting credit).

I'm in the design phase and am testing out a few things. One thing I
will definitely need is a global players_online collection which will
act much like the name implies.

My first thought was to have a module specifically for holding things
like that, global objects that all the interacting modules need access
to. I did a simple test with a lib module, and then a few modules that
simply added things to a list called g in that lib module, but the
changes did not persist (tested with another module that printed the
contents of lib.g)

I'm probably thinking about this from the wrong direction. Is there
something about this approach that I'm missing, or is there a different
way I should be using?

(If you're curious about the telephone data-transfer I was working on, I
ran into too much trouble with the various sound libraries that exist to
wrap over Alsa or JACK, so I put it off for the future after I'm more
comfortable with C/C++)
Corey Richardson
Tutor maillist  -
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