On 02/26/2011 06:05 AM, Walter Prins wrote:
> I'd be tempted to say you should not be worrying about such performance
> issues at this stage.  

Indeed, but I can't have every piece of variable information being saved
to disk and then read back again every time a player leaves or enters a
room, that'd just be silly!

Playing MUD's for a bit it gets annoying on a medium-size server when
you have to wait more than 3 seconds just to get how much health you
have after attacking some baddie. I won't be trying to pull every
microsecond of efficiency out of this, but I would like it to be
sensible and now waste time dawdling.

(And the full quote is "We should forget about *small* efficiencies, say
about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil."
(emphasis added))

Corey Richardson
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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