On 8/29/2011 3:28 PM Reed DA (Danny) at Aera said...
Hi all,

I have a matrix which contains temperatures. The columns are time,
spaced 33 seconds apart, and the rows are depth intervals. What I'm
trying to do is create another matrix that contains the rate of change
of temperature for each depth. The array is called LS_JULY_11 and the
output array should be delta_temp

What I have so far is:-

import numpy

#determine the existing matrix size

columnsize = LS_JULY_11.columnSize()

matrixsize = LS_JULY_11.size()

rowsize = matrixsize/columnsize

#define time step


#create matrix size of the same size

delta_temp = numpy.zeros((rowsize,columnsize))

#cycle through all indicies in temperature matrix

for i in rowsize:

                 for j in columnsize:

                                 delta_temp(i,j) = (LS_JULY_11(i,j) -

                                 j = j+1

                 i = i + 1

the error I get is:-

   File "<string>", line 18 (33)

SyntaxError: can't assign to function call

delta_temp access and assignment likely wants to be expressed with brackets rather than parens.


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>>> spam(1,2)=6
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: can't assign to function call

Help would be greatly appreciated



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