On 30/08/11 00:26, Emile van Sebille wrote:

delta_temp(i,j) = (LS_JULY_11(i,j) - LS_JULY_11(i,j-1))/TIME_STEP

delta_temp access and assignment likely wants to be expressed with
brackets rather than parens.

And for those not speaking the US variant of English that'll be square brackets as opposed to round brackets! ;-)

[ One of the sources of amusement to me when having my book reviewed was the fact that *all* the US reviewers picked up on my use of "<shape> brackets" to cover [],<>,(), {}. Apparently US usage of brackets is limited to []. Something that greatly surprised me and my English, Indian and South African colleagues! :-) ]

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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