Marc Tompkins wrote:
It can be a little hard to wrap your head around how Python handles
variables/objects; in other languages you create a variable and assign a
value to it, while in Python you create an object and assign a name to it -
the name can change while the object remains unchanged.  Here's a very
simplified demo of what Dave is talking about:
It's extremely logical, but almost entirely backward from the way most other
languages do things.  Possibly it's because Guido is Dutch.

Fortunately, that is untrue.

I'm not sure where the myth that "Python is different from other languages" comes from. I suppose it is true only so far as *every* language is different from any other language (otherwise they would be the same language!). But Python is not so different from other common languages.

In particular, I don't know of any language where assignment means aliasing. Take the example Marc gave earlier:

t = 'this'
s = 'that'
group = [t, s]
print group  # => "['this', 'that']
s = 'the other'
print group  # => "['this', 'that']

I don't know of any language where the second item of group would now equal 'the other'. Pascal certainly isn't one:

program example (input, output);
  t,s: String(10);
  group: array[1..2] of String(10);
  writeln(group[1], ' ', group[2]);
  s:='the other';
  writeln(group[1], ' ', group[2]);

Running that program gives the equivalent output to Python:

this that
this that

PHP is the same. Using the PHP interactive shell:

php > $t = 'this';
php > $s = 'that';
php > $group[0] = $t;
php > $group[1] = $s;
php > print_r($group);
    [0] => this
    [1] => that
php > $t = 'the other';
php > print_r($group);
    [0] => this
    [1] => that

This myth of Python being radically different from other languages is especially mysterious since many of the most popular and common modern languages use *exactly* the same name binding execution model as Python, e.g. Java and Ruby. (In the case of Java, that only applies to boxed objects, and not unboxed low-level ints and similar. If this means nothing to you, feel fortunate.)

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