On 02/11/11 05:05, Chris Hare wrote:

         def verifyLogin(self):
                 farmid = list.get(ACTIVE)
                 userid = login_userid.get()
                 login_passwd = login_passwd.get()

gets called, but I get the error

Exception in Tkinter callback
     farmid = list.get(ACTIVE)
AttributeError: type object 'list' has no attribute 'get'

When the frame controls were added, list is defined as

list = Listbox(frame)

names defined in functions are local to that function. They can't be seen outside of the function. So... To be able to access the controls you need to add themas instance attributes to your class. so you should use

self.list = Listbox(....


farmid = self.list.get(....

What you are seeing is Python looking for something called list in your methods namespace and not finding it. It can't see anything global either so it picks up the built-in list() type.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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