I am so very sorry for the noise. I was careless in reading the OPs post.

On 6 November 2011 15:53, Sarma Tangirala <tvssarma.ome...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 6 November 2011 15:47, Dave Angel <d...@davea.name> wrote:
>> On 11/06/2011 04:45 AM, Sarma Tangirala wrote:
>>> On 6 November 2011 13:11, Peter Otten<__pete...@web.de>  wrote:
>>>  Joe Batt wrote:
>>>>  I am learning Python 3 and programming and am very new so please bear
>>>> <SNIP>
>>>>  for item in items:
>>>>>> ...     print(item, end="WHATEVER")
>>> Another way of writing the above.
>>> for i in items:
>>>      print item[i], "whatever", "\n"
>>>  Nope. That would put a newline between each iteration, which is
>> explicitly what the OP did not want.  More importantly, it'd give a syntax
>> error in Python 3, which the OP carefully specified.
>> --
>> DaveA
> I'm sorry. Didn't notice the python 3 part, I just joined the list and did
> not look at the OPs post. Sorry about that.
> Please bear with me on this, but does the following not print "end" for
> every iteration of "items"?
> for item in items:
>      print(item, end="")
> --
> Sarma Tangirala,
> Class of 2012,
> Department of Information Science and Technology,
> College of Engineering Guindy - Anna University

Sarma Tangirala,
Class of 2012,
Department of Information Science and Technology,
College of Engineering Guindy - Anna University
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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