On 08/11/11 15:56, Steve Willoughby wrote:

I have an app I'm developing and running successfully on Windows (as
well as OSX and Linux). At least in this case it is able to replace the
application icon in place of the default "TK" one. The code I use is:

root = Tkinter.Tk()


I just checked the help:

>>> help (top.iconbitmap)
Help on method wm_iconbitmap in module tkinter:

wm_iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None, default=None) method of
    tkinter.Tk instance
    Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return
    the bitmap if None is given.

I note it says this sets the bitmap for the "iconified widget".
That to me means the icon on the desktop, or in the Taskbar.
Can you confirm that it also sets the icon at top left in
the title bar?

The basic icon was always set it is specifically the title
bar icon that was broken... Not having a Windows PC anymore
I can't test it...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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