stm atoc wrote:
Hi there,

I am a new python user.
I have  a question regarding  do loop.....

This is a simple program that I have written:

h=10.0 # [micrometer]
z=-200.0 # [micrometer]

You define N, h and z here, but later on you use them as loop variables. So these three values never get used: they are thrown away, and replaced by the values of the loops:

h -> 0, 1, 2, ... 9
N -> 0, 1, 2, ... 9

z is especially troublesome, because it gets used for TWO loop variables, one inside the other. The inner z loop depends on the outer z loop, which makes it tricky to predict what values z will take.

num = 0.05 #m**2/s
dz = 1.0
nu=[]height = arange(z*dz,0,dz)

What is arange?

In physics, "height" is a scalar. But later on, you seen to use height as if it were a collection of values.

outfile.write('height, nu, nuh')

for z,when in enumerate(height):
   for h in range(10):
       for N in range(10):
           for z in range((N-z)+(N-h)):

               nuh.append(0.01 * exp(-0.05*(z+200.0))*dz) #turbulence
diffusivity m**2/s
               nu.append(num + nuh[z])

What I like to do with this program is do loop like the fortran
version of  as follows:

do i = 2, N
 z(i) = z(i-1) +h(i-1)

end do

How is z initialised? What is h?

I *think* you are trying to add a small increment to each value, based on the previous value. Am I close?

Does this example help?

zvalues = [1]  # starting value
increments = [0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.01, 0.01]
for h in increments:
    z = zvalues[-1] + h


(Note: beware of floating point rounding.)


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