On 2011-11-25 14:46, stm atoc wrote:
Here is the new version of the program:

zvalues = [-200]  # starting value
hvalues = [10]  # starting value
increments = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
for N in increments:
        h = hvalues[-1] - N
        z = zvalues[-1] + h
        height = arange((z)*dz,0,dz)

There is no "arange" in python. Could it be that you use numpy and import it with "from numpy import *"?

        for z,when in enumerate(height):

I'm pretty sure this line doesn't do what you expect it to do. You have a sequence (a numpy array) named "height" and after calling "enumerate" you get a list of tuples in the form of [(0, height[0]), (1, height[1]), ...]. Now the for-loop iterates over this list and assigns "z" to the first value of the tuple (the index-values) and "when" to the second (the values from "height"). You later never use "when" but just use "z". If you really want that, the "enumerate" is completly unnecessary and you could just use "for z in range(len(height))". But I'm not sure if numpy arrays work with "len()".

            nuh.append(0.001 * exp(-0.005*(z+200.0))*dz) #turbulence
diffusivity m**2/s
            nu.append(num + nuh[z])

The story is like this:
I should define layers and thickness and see how the diffusion profile
changes over the z.
height (or depth) of the total thickness or 'z'.
I basically, define 'z' in 10 layers and each layer is called  ' N' .
Difference between each layer is 'h', which is equal 10 micrometer.
Now, what I like to do is the modification of nu based on each zvalue
In fact, for each 'zvalue' o'z' step, I need to calculate a different
value for 'nu' based on the available equation in the program.

BUT, I am not sure, exactly, how to add the new do loop of z inside
another loop of nu.

For me your explanations are still too confusing. Could it be that you are thinking way too complicated?

My guess is you want to have a range of material thicknesses (from 1 to 200 micrometers in 10 micrometer-steps) and then you want from each thickness 10 different layers, right?

import math # you should always tell us which modules you import
num = 0.05 # some constant
nu = [] # list of resulting values
h = 10.0 # height of one layer
thickness = range(0, 210, 10) # a list from 0 to 200 with step 10 (0, 10, 20, ..., 190, 200)
layers = range(1,11) # a list from 1 to 10
for t in thickness:
  for l in layers:
z = t + h * l # I'm not sure if you want to add or subtract the layer thickness
    nu = num + (0.01 * math.exp(-0.05 * (z + 200.0)))

This will result in a big one-dimensional list where you calculate for each thickness the nu-value for 10 layers. Am I close? I'm still not sure about the steps and the height of the layers. I also wonder if it wouldn't be better to use a two-dimensional list.

I have done this way as well (the other way around):

height = arange((z)*dz,0,dz)
for z,when in enumerate(height):
     for N in increments:
        h = hvalues[-1] - N
        z = zvalues[-1] + h
        nuh.append(0.001 * exp(-0.005*(z+200.0))*dz) #turbulence
diffusivity m**2/s
        nu.append(num + nuh[z])

but still no sign of 'nu changes' over 'z'!

As Charles has already mentioned, the values for "nu" are very similar (they start beginning to differ just at the seventh digit after the comma). How do you further process this values? If you plot them what's your scale?

Bye, Andreas
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