The PATH variable for me (user) has c:\Users\Wayne\g95\bin

On 12/19/2011 12:25 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
James wrote:
In windows 7,

1. Go to start
2. Right click on "Computer"
3. Select Properties. This will bring up the "System" menu.
4. Select "Advanced system Settings" on the left hand side.
5. In this new window, select Environment variables... at the bottom
6. In the bottom window area, scroll down until you find "PATH"
7. Select "Edit" (do NOT delete anything contained in this or will screw some 
stuff up)
8. scroll to the very end and put a ; as a deliminator if there isn't one on 
the end already. Then put the direct path to you Python install you care about. 
(it should be something like this:(;C:\Python27) - this is mine in fact.
9. Hit OK. Then accept your way out. You will have to reboot.
10. To test, open a cmd prompt and and type simply "python". if you get Python 
2.7.2 (some more stuff) then python is now on your path.
Modify "User Variables" and not "System variables".
You will need to restart any open command prompt
but not the full machine.


That should pick up the system variables
and then append python's location to it.

If that does not work; then feel free to follow
James's advice and then restart.


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
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