Hi Wayne,

On 22 December 2011 03:21, Wayne Watson <sierra_mtnv...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I uninstalled Uniblue, but as it turns out, it
> was an incomplete uninstall.  I just spent the last 30-45 minutes trying to
> get it uninstalled. Finally, I sent an e-mail on how to do it. I have no
> idea how it got entangled with Python 2.6. So for the time being it's out of
> the picture.

Well, presumably it uses/depends on Python 2.6...

> As a question asked by others, is Python27 under ...\System32. It is under
> C:\Python27.  Further, it is the 64-bit version associated with Python.

I didn't ask.  I stated, and to clarify: When you install the standard
distribution of Python, the majority of the files get put under
C:\PythonNN (unless otherwise specified by the user).  However, the
Python engine in the form of a DLL is *also* put under the System32

> In reading some of the other posts, I was unsure of whether Python27 is put
> on the PATH or not by the install.  The question remains unanswered.  I just
> left it there, as I re-installed 2.7.2 minutes ago.  Here's where matters
> stand.

I've already answered this also, with an unambigious exception to my
answer pointed out by another poster, which is that it depends on
whether you installed the standard Python distribution or whether you
installed the ActiveState Python distribution.  So, did you install
the standard Python distribution or did you install the ActiveState
version of Python?  The answer to this question will determine whether
the PATH will have been affected by the Python installation.  Even so,
it's an irrelevance w.r.t. your IDLE problems...

> The fact that when I right click on a py file, it begins with Open and then
> Edit with IDLE is very encouraging.

Having this entry in your context menu simply means certain entries
are in your system's registery but says very little else about whether
it will work or not.

> The downside is that IDLE does not come up.

Which suggests that the associations/registry entries are in fact
broken, perhaps because they're pointing to a non-existent
installation of Python...

> However, the Start menu's Python27 entry shows Edit with IDLE, Manuals,
> ..., and Python Console.  The console works. The fact that IDLE actually
> appears in both places is again encouraging.

Does IDLE start from the Start menu when you click it?

>> Under ...\Python27\Lib\idlelib, I can find idle.py, idle.pyw and
> IdleHistory.py.  Clicking on idle.pyw does nothing.

Does double clicking idle.pyw do anything?  Normally double clicking
idle.pyw will start IDLE.  Does double clicking idle.bat do anything?
Normally clicking idle.bat will also start IDLE.  If you open a
command prompt and then enter
cd \Python27\Lib\idlelib

Does it output any error messages? If so, what?

> A few months ago when I broached this install and IDLE problem, someone
> mentioned idle.bat. It is in the same  idlelib. Is there something that
> needs to be done here, to get IDLE active?  Is this where having Python27 in
> the path causes a problem with IDLE?

Whether or not you have C:\Python27 in the PATH is irrelevant to
whether IDLE will run.

In any case, I'd still suggest reinstalling Python 2.7 -- you seem to
be having file association/registry issues and who knows what else,
these things will not resolve themselves by fiddling around with the
PATH issue, which is in any case a red herring, an irrelevance w.r.t.
your IDLE issues.

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