On Mon, 26 Dec 2011 07:10:45 -0500
Alan Gauld <alan.ga...@btinternet.com> wrote:

> On 26/12/11 11:42, Thomas C. Hicks wrote:
> Given it was working before and not now the obvious question is what
> has changed? It looks like you are on a Linux box so do you have
> automatic updates switched on? Or do you always just accept the
> recommendation to update?
> In which case try looking at the modification dates of the
> library files....
> Also has the verion of Excel used to create the files changed?
> It looks like the point that the program leaves your code is here:
> >    File "./cttOverviewMain.0.03.2011.py", line 183, in
> > writeMonthlyHeader sh.write(7,10,"# Locations",xlwt.easyxf('font:
> > bold True'))
> So that points the finger at the xlwt module. If it has been updated
> has the format of that call changed - to a dictionary/tuple of values
> for example?
> These are all guesses but might give you a starting point.
> Incidentally cttOverviewMain.0.03.2011.py seems like a bizarre
> name for a file? I assume that's the date or somesuch? What is the 
> thinking behind that?

Thanks so much for the input Alan, guesses on your part are far better
than the ignorance on my part.  I do get automatic updates (though
xlwt is not part of that, OpenOffice and its xls writing is), will have
to look at that.

Also appreciate the thoughts about the file name.  This is my first big
project and I still have much to learn.  If you can point me to a
discussion of file naming when there are multiple files involved in a
project I am game to do some reading!

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