Hello All,

<Note: the below code only works on Windows as it currently writes a file
out to 'C:\temp\address.txt'. I also use Linux, but do most of my
development on Windows, sorry!, any advice still welcome!>

I'm currently in the midst of learning Python, and am absolutely loving the
language thus far! I'm a .NET developer in my professional life, and have
been recently influenced to learn Python - and I'm glad I was :)

I am working on an address book application (input through raw_input(),
nothing fancy) in the 2.7 redist.

I'm essentially asking if someone wouldn't mind taking a look at what I
have so far, and giving some advice on some of my weak areas, and areas
I've marked with comments on how to better approach some of my solutions
(in a more *Pythological* way :) ). I'm still familiarizing myself with
Python, and I would greatly appreciate anyone's help in this task of mine
:) Just a learning project for myself, one of many!

I'm not sure how you would like the code, I'll simply paste it here since I
imagine people are wear of opening attachments through email:

import re # email validation
import textwrap #wrapping text in raw_input (not sure if this is best way
to do this?)
# forward declarations
addressBookPath = r'C:\temp\addresses.txt'
addressBook = {} # address book held in memory before dumped to file
emailFormatRegex = r'(\w[\w]*)@([\w]+\.[\w]+)'
recordDelimiter = ' | ' # split name | email in file
def LoadAddresses():
    """ Loads all addresses from file and places
    them in tuple in form (bool, list), where the list is each
    row from the file (a person's name | email). """
    success, lines = (False, [])
        f = open(addressBookPath, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()
        success, lines = (True, lines)
    except IOError as e:
        print 'Error opening address book: ', e
    return (success, lines)
def main():
    (success, lines) = LoadAddresses()
    if not success:
        shouldMakeNewBook = raw_input(textwrap.fill("""You do not have an
address book yet.
                                                Would you like to create
        if shouldMakeNewBook in ('y', 'ye', 'yes'):
            f = open(addressBookPath, 'w')
            print 'New address book created.', addressBookPath
            print 'Exiting...'
        # now that we have the file loaded into memory,
        #  fill out the addressbook from file
        for line in lines:
            splitStr = line.split(recordDelimiter)
            addressBook[splitStr[0]] = splitStr[-1]
    # main input loop (break with 'q' or 'quit' during input)
    while True:
        newPersonNameInput = raw_input('Enter new person\'s name: (q/quit
to stop):')
        if newPersonNameInput.lower() in ('q', 'quit'):
        addressBook[newPersonNameInput] = newPersonNameInput
        while True: # loop until email is in valid format (x@y.z)
            newPersonEmailInput = raw_input('Enter new person\'s email:
(q/quit to stop):')
            match = re.search(emailFormatRegex, newPersonEmailInput)
            if not match:
                print 'email validation failed... try again.'
                addressBook[newPersonNameInput] = newPersonEmailInput
                break # success
    print addressBook
def RecordAddresses():
    """ Writes out each address to the file in the form of name | email. """
    f = open(addressBookPath, 'w')
    for k, v in sorted(addressBook.items()):
        #is there a better way to do this without placing a newline after
each row?
        #it's causing multiple line separations when writing back out to
file (because each
        #  time we finish reading, it ends with a trailing newline).
        f.write("{0}{1}{2}\n".format(k, recordDelimiter, v))
if __name__ == '__main__':

I appreciate any feedback!
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