> > def LoadAddresses():
> >      """ Loads all addresses from file and places
> >      them in tuple in form (bool, list), where the list is each
> >      row from the file (a person's name | email). """
> >      success, lines = (False, [])
> >      try:
> >          f = open(addressBookPath, 'r')
> >          lines = f.readlines()
> >          f.close()
> >          success, lines = (True, lines)
> >      except IOError as e:
> >          print 'Error opening address book: ', e
> >      return (success, lines)
> The latest style preference in Python is to use with statements for file
> handling, so that would become:
> try:
>    with f as open(.....):
>       success,lines = True, f.readlines()
> except IOError as e:
>    print ...
> return (success,lines)

> > def main():
> >      (success, lines) = LoadAddresses()
> >      if not success:

No real reason to return success as you can do this instead for the
same effect. The only difference would be on reading an empty file.
Not sure what you would want it to do...

def main():
    lines = LoadAddressses()
    if not lines:


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