On 19/07/12 07:00, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

def four_lines(file_object):
             line1 = next(file_object).strip()
             # Get the next three lines, padding if needed.
             line2 = next(file_object, '').strip()
             line3 = next(file_object, '').strip()
             line4 = next(file_object, '').strip()
             yield (line1, line2, line3, line4)

         for reads, lines in four_lines( INFILE ):
                 ID_Line_1, Seq_Line, ID_Line_2, Quality_Line = lines

Shouldn't that be

          for reads, lines in enumerate( four_lines(INFILE) ):
                  ID_Line_1, Seq_Line, ID_Line_2, Quality_Line = lines


Alan G
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