On 10/11/12 01:18, Ed Owens wrote:

Please start new threads with a fresh mail. On threaded readers this gets lost under a previous topic called "Question"...

> Dawson, which is too plodding. Can you experts recommend a Python
library?  I would like to have:

A command reference for the basic library.

O'Reilly's Nutshell book or the Pocket Reference or Beasleys "Essential Reference". But mostly I just use the built in help() system...

A comprehensive "How to" course for the basic library.

There is a best practice Python 'Recipes' book, but there is a much bigger resource on ActiveState's site.

Graphics in Python

Depends on the tookit. For GUIs there are books on Tkinter, wxPython, PyQt and (I think) pyGTk. There are more general books on things like R and GNU plot. Theres also pygame and things like OpenGL. It all depends on what kind of graphics and your favoured toolkit. Too hard to recommend anything specific.

Data Management in Python

I don't know of anything specific although a lot of the general tutorials include a chapter on the Python DBI interface. But the biggest thing here is learning SQL...

Using the internet with Python

Python Network Programming by Goerzen.

(maybe Real Time(ish) Python)

Don't know of anything here. The (ish) is the killer, you can't really do too much hard real-time in Python...

A comprehensive "Learn Python" course that puts all this together

I would have recommended Python -How to Program by the Deitels but I don't know if its been updated so is now quite old. If you can pick up a cheap second hand copy its a good broad top level intro to all of the topics above. Its the only one I've seen that covers everything in your list except real-time. But it was very expensive.

That's my list   :-)

Of course I cover most of it in my online tutorial too.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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