On 13/02/2013 19:13, Ghadir Ghasemi wrote:
Hi guys can you tell me what is wrong with this code?. It says unexpected 
indent and the bottom of the code everytime I run it.  Thank you

while on == True:
     def eight_digit_binary1(message):
         response1 = input(message)
     while len(response1) > 8:
         response1 = input(message)
     return (response1)


         binary1 = eight_digit_binary1('please enter the first 8 bit binary 
number: ');
         denary1 = 0
         place_value1 = 1

         for i in binary1 [::-1]:
                 denary1 += place_value1 * int(i)
                 place_value1 *= 2

         def eight_digit_binary2(message):
             response2 = input(message)
         while len(response2) > 8:
             response2 = input(message)
         return (response2)


             binary2 = eight_digit_binary2('please enter the first 8 bit binary 
number: ');
             denary2 = 0
             place_value2 = 1

             for i in binary2 [::-1]:
                     denary2 += place_value2 * int(i)
                     place_value2 *= 2

             def print_result(result):
                     result = (place_value1 + place_value2)
                     remainder = ''
             while result > 0:
                     remainder = str(result % 2) + remainder
                     result >>= 1
             print("The result is",remainder)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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The while loops and return statements in the eight_digit_binary1/2 functions aren't correctly indented. Why put these functions within the outer while loop? The trys aren't matched up with anything, you need something else, usually one or more except clauses.


Mark Lawrence

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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