On 2/13/2013 2:13 PM, Ghadir Ghasemi wrote:
Hi guys can you tell me what is wrong with this code?. It says unexpected 
indent and the bottom of the code everytime I run it.  Thank you

while on == True:
     def eight_digit_binary1(message):
         response1 = input(message)
     while len(response1) > 8:
         response1 = input(message)
     return (response1)


         binary1 = eight_digit_binary1('please enter the first 8 bit binary 
number: ');
         denary1 = 0
         place_value1 = 1

         for i in binary1 [::-1]:
                 denary1 += place_value1 * int(i)
                 place_value1 *= 2

def eight_digit_binary2(message):
             response2 = input(message)
         while len(response2) > 8:
             response2 = input(message)
         return (response2)


             binary2 = eight_digit_binary2('please enter the first 8 bit binary 
number: ');
             denary2 = 0
             place_value2 = 1

             for i in binary2 [::-1]:
                     denary2 += place_value2 * int(i)
                     place_value2 *= 2

             def print_result(result):
                     result = (place_value1 + place_value2)
                     remainder = ''
             while result > 0:
                     remainder = str(result % 2) + remainder
                     result >>= 1
             print("The result is",remainder)
You have some incomplete try: statements. try must be followed by except: and/or finally:

You should limit the scope of try: to just the one or few statements that you expect to raise the exception. And you should have an except clause for that exception.

There is no need to define eight_digit_binary and eight_digit_binary2, as they do the same thing.

There is no need to nest these defs inside the loop.

You have a lot of other unnecessarily duplicated code.

There is no need to say while on == True:
It is sufficient to say while on:

Your program will never terminate as you never change the value of on.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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