I don't know how that's working. There are no executables or batch
files with those names in the default installations. It's always
"python.exe". Plus the default install options don't muck with the
PATH environment variable. Did you rename (or NTFS symlink) the
executables and add the install directories to your PATH?

3.3 installs py.exe to the Windows directory, which you can use like this:

    py -3.3 myscript.py
    py -3.0 myscript.py

Or add a shebang to the first line of the script such as

#!/usr/bin/env python3.0

Then you can simply run myscipt.py. The 3.3 installer associates the
extension with py.exe, which parses the shebang line.
no sorry i made a mistake it didnt work. i cd into the particular python 
version directory that i named python3.0 and python3.3. sorry that was my 
mistake. Once i was in the correct directory i used the command: python 
filename.py in cmd and the correct version was opened. Since installing 3.3 my 
.py files have lost their python icon, like when there is no default program to 
open it, looks like this:
 im not sure what to do because on double click they still open and work fine, 
so the right program is still opening them.
Also can i ask, only if you have tried both cherrypy and bottle. I know which i 
choose doesnt matter, and i will probably randomly select one, but i would like 
to hear an opinion of someone who has used the 2. since i will eventually go to 
django, the lighter one out of the two is the one i would favour.   
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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