On Mar 24, 2013, at 8:13 PM, Mandi Seger <msege...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, everyone,
> I am looking for suggestions on a beginner's book for learning Python. I have 
> a nursing background with basic science and math education. I have no 
> programming experience in any computer language.
> I am currently enrolled in a Master's program for Geographic Information 
> Science and will be learning Python with an eye toward applying it in GIS 
> software programs such as ESRI's ArcMap.
> I prefer to start with a book for ease of reference, and then move forward 
> with online resources.
> Thank you for any input.
> Mandi Seger
> _______________________________________________

    I've looked at both Alan and Robert's replies.  They are both good and 
relevant - but I'm a bit concerned with your statement that: "I have no 
programming experience in any computer language."  In and of itself, this is 
NOT a problem, and with a nursing background and a math and science education, 
you are obviously more than smart enough.  What I'm focused on is the initial 
a-ha! moment when you suddenly see just what programming is all about - or more 
properly, how you examine a problem you want to solve and express that problem 
as a series of steps that the computer can carry out.  Most of the folks on 
this list experienced that a-ha moment so long ago, they've forgotten what it 
was like.  Different people get to that moment in different ways, and through 
different learning experiences.  But that moment IS critical.  Without it, you 
are writing programs by rote, and that will be frustrating and you won't get 
very far - let alone enjoy it, which you should.  With it, and after l
 earning your first computer language (and Python is an excellent choice), then 
learning other languages is trivial.  This is a VERY long winded and indirect 
recommendation to spend a couple of days in your university's book store.  It 
should have a sizable section on various computer languages and a selection of 
beginner books.  Look at the first chapter in several (and look at the first 
section of Alan's on-line tutorial, in which he talks about this subject).  
What you are looking for is a book that speaks to YOU, and gets you over that 
very first conceptual hump.
    I might also suggest that as a first problem, pick something that is almost 
a pure exercise in simple mathematical logic - searching for prime numbers for 
example, or for perfect numbers.  Once you can break a problem like that down 
into simple declarative steps, you are on your way.

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