On 28/04/13 04:53, fo...@yahoo.com wrote:

IIRC, os.symlink is not present in Python on Windows, right? (I'm on vacation 
now so I can't check this). But aren't soft links and shortcuts linux and 
windows terms for the same thing?

No, although they play similar roles.

Windows shortcuts are ordinary files with a .lnk extension. The content of the 
file points to another file on disk. Windows opens the file, looks inside to 
find out what target to look for, then looks for the target. That makes them 
somewhat like Mac OS aliases, only not as smart. (Mac aliases can actually keep 
tracking a file if you move it from location to location, even from disk to 

Symbolic (soft links) links are file system features, which means that strictly 
speaking they depend on the file system, not the operating system. Unlike 
shortcuts or aliases, which are files, sym links exist in the file system 
metadata, which makes them smaller, faster to access, and more efficient.

Hard links are also file system features. Essentially, a hard link is a way to 
give a single file two names. If you think of the file system as a tree of file 
names pointing to storage locations on disk, hard links are two names pointing 
to a single location.

A little known fact: NTFS does support symbolic links, at least under Windows 7 
and Vista. NTFS sym links have some limitations compared to POSIX (Unix, Mac, 
Linux, etc.) sym links, the biggest being that they don't work during boot-up.

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