On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 9:51 PM, Dave Angel <da...@davea.name> wrote:
> And another little-known fact -- NTFS supports hard links, or at least it
> did in 1995, on NT 3.5  As I recall, there wasn't support at the cmd prompt,
> but you could create them with system calls.

NTFS has always supported hard links as additional $FILE_NAME
attributes in the MFT file record, but it was primarily meant for the
POSIX subsystem. I did find a Win32 solution for NT 3.x, which may be
what you're recalling. It requires 3 calls to BackupWrite in order to
write a link (i.e. a $FILE_NAME attribute) to an existing file record.
Apparently this was documented by Microsoft circa '96, but the
original article no longer exists online. For an example see
CreateHardLinkNt4() here:

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