On 06/23/2013 06:50 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
On 06/23/2013 12:43 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
On 06/22/2013 06:24 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
On 06/22/2013 07:03 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
On 06/22/2013 05:10 PM, David Rock wrote:
* Jim Byrnes <jf_byr...@comcast.net> [2013-06-22 16:01]:
I need to convert a series of digits like 060713 to a string so I can
make it look like a date 06-07-13.

  >>> a = 060713
  >>> a[:2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
  >>> b = str(a)
  >>> b[:2]
  >>> b

I was confused at first but then realized that the  0  makes it
octal. I

In Python source code.  But the date number is being entered into the
spreadsheet, so the leading zero means no such thing.  It also means no
such thing when a strictly Python program does something like:
     x = int(raw_input())
This is why context is so important.

thought str() would do it but it didn't. Reading about str() it
talks of
string representation.  So how can I convert it to a true string I
slice and build my date look a like?

Is there a requirement to store them as numbers in the first place?
not just store them as a string?

a = '060713'

Yes. I am scripting data entry in a spreadsheet.  I can enter the 6

Six digits, not numbers.

quite rapidly using the number pad but entering the " - "'s to
make it look like a date slows me down.  So I thought I would let
do that for me.

I don't have any experience with using Rxlorg to script the Gemdaddy
spreadsheet program.  Maybe if you actually got specific, somebody would
have familiarity with the ones you're using.

It is Calligrsheets.

I can't find any such thing.  Do you perhaps mean Calligra Sheets, at
http://www.calligra.org/sheets/ ???  If so, I'm having trouble finding
any information on the internet about scripting it, in Python or
otherwise.  It is available on Ubuntu's "Software Centre," but the only
review was rather negative.

Yes it is Calligra Sheets, that was a typo. It is a fork of what used to be the KDE app kspread. Documentation is sparse that's why it has taken me this long to make any progress at all. Here are a couple of the more usefull links.


Using what to interface to it?  I'll assume that's what's called Kross
below.  I'll also have to make wild guesses about the available
functions and methods that Kross gives you.  Like do you have to use
writer.setValue() for both ints and strings, or does it have separate
function calls?  Does it have one for setting dates?  Perhaps string is
the wrong type entirely.

Yes Kross enables the python scripting. From the docs:

bool setValue(QVariant value, bool parse=true) [slot]

    Set the value of the current cell.


    The value that should be set.

If this is true, the default, then the value got parsed to look for the type else we assume the value has the correct type.

    true if the value was set successful else false is returned.

I take this to mean that it checks the under lying format of the cell and then supplies the value in that format. As to dates I haven't tried one. I actually don't need or want a true date format. I'm not going to do any date math or anything. I am just looking for some representation that looks like mm-dd-yy.

I can't find any information on the web about scripting Calligra.  If
there's no installed help either, I'd find something with better docs.

Well after a lot of searching and working with them I came the conclusion that Calligra Sheets was the best alternative available for python scripting in the Linux world.

 I didn't mention it because I was focused on the
python error message I was seeing.  Python version is 2.7.3.

But you don't have a Python error message.  It's missing the most
important parts, the traceback.  Something has intercepted that
exception and printed only a summary.  And specified a line number of
negative-one, which isn't reasonable either.

If the try/except is your own, then either fix the display or
temporarily disable the try.

It is not.  I pasted in all my code.

If the try/except is in the "Kross" code, and you have access to it,
then see what it looks like in the appropriate place.

It is open source but I think it is C++ so doubt my looking at it would help me much.

Most likely all you have to do is specify with the spreadsheet that the
user is to enter a string.  If it makes some sort of assumption that
strings cannot start with a digit, then it's just broken.

I can set the cell contents as text or numeric and I can extract the
info either as a string or an int.  Each method gives it own error.  The
code is short so I will post it.

def regionChanged(regions):
     """ In column A. Converts data entered as mmddyy to mm-dd-yy """
     myCell = viewer.selection()
     print myCell

This prints a list of ints.  What are they meaning?

Those are cell coordinates. [col, row, number of cols to right of anchor cell, number of rows down from the anchor cell] In this case it represents one cell. I should have commented it out before I ran it. I was using it to check where I was in the spreadsheet.

     if myCell[0] - 1 == 1:
         #cell_value = sheet.text(myCell[0] - 1, myCell[1])  #[1]
         cell_value = sheet.value(myCell[0] - 1, myCell[1])  #[2]
         print 'Type is ', type(cell_value)
         cell_value = cell_value[:2] + '-' + cell_value[2:4] + '-' +
         print 'Cell value is ', cell_value

Save yourself some trouble, and use  repr(cell_value).  That way you'll
see the type (indirectly) and the value all at once.  For example, if
it's a string, this will simply add quotes to the output, making it
clear that it's a string.


         cell_name = sheet.cellName(myCell[0] - 1, myCell[1])
         writer.setValue(cell_name, cell_value)
         viewer.setSelection([2, myCell[1], 1, 1])

[1]  cell_value will always be a string.
[2]  cell_value will be a string or a long depending on cell type.

What are [1] and [2] referring to here, and in the comments below?  Is
it somehow related to the myCell[0] above that you're sort-of testing
for ==2?

I was trying to match the errors below with the line of code that ran and the under lying format of the cell I was working with. I'm not sure what you meant by sort-of testing for == 2. myCell[0] and myCell[1] represent cell coordinates like (col, row).

Here is the output from the terminal. Note: Kross is the plugin that
enables Python scripting.

### code from [1], cell type = text ###
Kross: "PythonScript::Constructor."
Kross: "PythonScript::execute"
Kross: "PythonScript::execute result=None"
[2, 5, 1, 1]
Type is  <type 'str'>
Cell value is  06-25-13
Kross: "PythonInterpreter::extractException:
Kross: "PythonExtension::proxyhandler Had exception on line -1:
invalid literal for int() with base 10: '06-25-13'
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '06-25-13'

Fine.  Something's getting an exception.  Who?  Is it your code that's
intercepting it and stripping useful information, or is it Kross?

Not mine. I don't know why it is being stripped because if I make an actual syntax error the line number is shown.

Kross: "PythonScript::Destructor."

### code from [2], cell type = text ###
Kross: "PythonScript::Constructor."
Kross: "PythonScript::execute"
Kross: "PythonScript::execute result=None"
[2, 5, 1, 1]
Type is  <type 'str'>
Cell value is  06-25-13
Kross: "PythonInterpreter::extractException:
Kross: "PythonExtension::proxyhandler Had exception on line -1:
invalid literal for int() with base 10: '06-25-13'

SOMEBODY is trying to convert a string "06-25-13" to an int.  All you
have to do is discover the actual stack trace so you can assign blame.

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '06-25-13'
Kross: "PythonScript::Destructor."

### code [1], cell type = numeric ###
Kross: "PythonScript::Constructor."
Kross: "PythonScript::execute"
Kross: "PythonScript::execute result=None"
[2, 5, 1, 1]
Type is  <type 'str'>

Why would sheet.value() be giving you a str if the cell is type numeric?

In this case the line of code containing sheet.text() was used and if I understand what documentation there is it always returns text.

Cell value is  06-25-13
Kross: "PythonInterpreter::extractException:
Kross: "PythonExtension::proxyhandler Had exception on line -1:
invalid literal for int() with base 10: '06-25-13'
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '06-25-13'
Kross: "PythonScript::Destructor."

### code [2], cell type numeric ###
Kross: "PythonScript::Constructor."
Kross: "PythonScript::execute"
Kross: "PythonScript::execute result=None"
[2, 5, 1, 1]
Type is  <type 'long'>
Kross: "PythonInterpreter::extractException:
line 38, in regionChanged
TypeError: 'long' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
Kross: "PythonScript::Destructor."

Have you just tried simplifying it?  Like skipping the cell-name stuff,
and/or just using cell (0,0). Maybe the particular cell that you made of
type text is not the one with the name, or maybe the label name is a

I don't think I can get it much simpler. I am using one cell in column A. When I test I set the entire column to either text or numeric.

Or like using the various forms of setting a cell to set a group of
cells to several different literals, both string and numeric?

Before I started this project I found some examples on the web. Many of them did not work. As a learning exercise I rewrote them and got them to work. So I have been able to read and write data to cells.

I think the errors I mentioned at the start of this email put my focus on the wrong thing. I was thinking if I could just get the type correct all would be well. Thinking about and answering your questions showed me that was not the case. I guess I will have to start over and rethink what I am trying to do.

Thanks,  JIm

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