On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 10:27 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.ga...@btinternet.com>wrote:

> On 08/07/13 06:43, Nathan Schlaffer wrote:

>  Second, I tried to run my Python programs today via IDLE but when I
>> checked the Edit Menu I couldn't find a Run Menu
> IDLE has two modes: Shell and Edit.  Shell mode is an interactive Python
session; you can type commands (or blocks of commands) and they will be
interpreted directly.  Edit mode is a text editor with a few
Python-specific features, such as different colors for

If you're in Shell mode and want to open a new Edit window, it's "File/New
window" or Ctrl-N.
If you're in Edit mode and want to run what you've written, it's "Run/Run
Module" or F5.  You'll be prompted to save first.

Also:  IDLE is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), meaning that
it's intended as a convenient way for you to write a little/run it/write a
little more/run that/etc.  (In my opinion, it's not even a very good IDE -
but that's a whole 'nother conversation.  It's just the free IDE that comes
with Python.)
IDLE is NOT, however, intended as the way you'd normally run your programs
once they're ready for prime time.  It uses a GUI module known as Tk, which
can interfere big-time with GUI aspects of your own programs, and it
introduces other funkiness into your environment.  If you plan on
distributing your programs for other people to use, you should definitely
get used to running them in the bare Python interpreter.
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