On 2013-08-20 18:40, Andy McKenzie wrote:
> Well, since someone else brought it up... I really prefer top posting.  In
> general, I don't WANT to reread every message:  I want to quickly get to
> whatever is new.

Right, which is why when top posting you should cut to the relevant context.

> What REALLY gets to me is the people who try to insist that their way is
> objectively RIGHT, and everyone else is practicing bad habits, or polluting
> the net, or some other nonsense like that.  The fact is, we just have
> different work flow preferences.  You like one thing, I like another.  If
> you want to present your view rationally and objectively, or talk about
> your preferred layouts, that's fine.  But let's not start saying someone
> has "bad habits" because they disagree with you.

In Gmail (which it appears that you are using) I don't think it really matters,
since it selectively collapses the context anyway. It certainly matters when
reading in a mail client that doesn't collapse quotes (which, in my opinion, is
not something a mail reader should be doing anyway).

I agree this is a personal opinion, but mixing the two in a single thread often
makes message flow completely incomprehensible. I am also in the bottomposting
camp, I'm not very dogmatic about it as long as people don't mix the two in a
single thread. Then it just becomes functionally irritating.

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