On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 05:50:15PM -0700, Alex Kleider wrote:
> A recent post recommended the docopt module so I've incorporated it into
> the code I'm using to learn SQLite. It's not behaving as I expected.

Since docopt is not a standard part of Python, nor part of the language 
itself, you may not find anyone here who knows it well enough to solve 
the problem. Also keep in mind that docopt is still a fairly young 
package and may still contain bugs. If we can't help, you should try a 
dedicated docopt mailing list, if any, or try contacting the developer.

I haven't actually used docopt, but I'm willing to try to help...

> """Usage: test [new_data | text_entry FILE | show_data ] [-hdv] 
> [--db=DATABASE] [--tb=TABLE]
> -h --help       show this
> -d --debug      show debugging statements
> -v --verbose    shows table when not absolutely necessary.
> --db DATABASE   specify database file to use [default: ./uwomeds68.db]
> --tb TABLE      specify table to use [default: matesTb]

The defaults for --db and --tb aren't valid Python objects. Perhaps you 
need to specify them as strings?

--db DATABASE   specify database file to use [default: './uwomeds68.db']
--tb TABLE      specify table to use [default: 'matesTb']

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