On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.ga...@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> The "Python Screen" is what opens up when I click the Python button on
>> the desktop.  The book calls it a "console window,
> Yes, it's worth getting familiar with it. It provides the ultimate authority
> on things like error messages etc. If all else fails try running your
> programs direct from that window and you will see any output that a GUI
> might hide. But to make it an effective
> development tool there are a bunch of registry flags that
> you need to set. You can read about them by typing 'help cmd'
> in the console itself.

That's assuming the user ran cmd.exe to use its "help" command.
Windows automatically opens a console window for python.exe if the
process doesn't inherit one. That's what I would expect from a desktop
shortcut. It's like running `x-terminal-emulator -e python` on a
Debian Linux system. Except on Windows it's the python executable that
opens the window, not the other way around.


The window itself is hosted by another process, so multiple console
applications can share the same window. It used to use a thread in the
system process csrss.exe. But with UAC in Vista it got ugly to use a
system process. Windows 7 introduced conhost.exe, running in the
context of the console application. The architecture change is
explained (with pictures!) in the following blog post:

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