On 23/12/2013 15:11, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 12:59:15PM +0000, Mark Lawrence wrote:

I entirely agree.  I'll offer to supply the cotton wool, baby oil, bibs
and nappies that we can wrap the newbies up in

"Wrap the newbies up in"? Who taught you to speak English?

My late parents.

And what's
with the two spaces after a full stop?

That's UK English, I don't care how people do English in the rest of the world as I live in Angleland.

It's not 1955 anymore, get with
the program.

You've clearly been taking too much notice of rr on the main mailing list. Please just ignore him.

(See how annoying it is to have the substance of your post completely
ignored while trivial incidentals are picked on? Are you now even a
*tiny* bit moved to use a single space after full stops?)


as we don't want to offend them.

It's not about *offending* them. It's about being a tedious, shrill
nagger that makes the whole environment unpleasant for everybody, not
just the newbies. If you can give advice without being unpleasant and a
nag, please do so. Would you rather be "right", and ignored, or

I'll nag who I bloody well like until such time time as they can post without pissing me off. But what really pisses me off is people telling me how to behave. So please stop nagging, you nagger.

I mean if we do offend them, they might desert us for
places such as stackoverflow, where they can read top voted answers that
are completely wrong.

I keep hearing people say this about StackOverflow, but whenever I
google on a question I find plenty of good answers there. Yes, I see
some pretty wrong or silly or ignorant answers, but not as the top-voted
answer. Can you show me some of these top-voted but wrong answers?


My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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