You know what?  I've been lurking here a long time.  I've asked a few
questions and gotten a few useful responses.

But overwhelmingly, when I think of this list, I find that my instinctive
response is "Full of rude, arrogant people."

So screw this.  I don't need to keep reading insults to people who are
trying to ask reasonable questions.  I don't need to read long rants about
how GMail is ruining the world and all its users ought to be banned.  I
don't need to watch people be harassed for daring to top-post.  There's at
least one post in every thread I read here that makes me think "This guy's
a jerk... why am I reading this?"

I'm done.  With the list, and possibly with Python... it doesn't seem to do
much that other languages I like don't do, and the loudest portion of the
language's advocates -- not the majority, just the loudest -- are just
plain obnoxious.  I don't need that in my life.

Good luck to all of you, and I hope your lives are pleasant.  And I hope
those of you who don't currently know learn how to treat people politely.

Andy McKenzie

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Steven D'Aprano <>wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 12:59:15PM +0000, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> > I entirely agree.  I'll offer to supply the cotton wool, baby oil, bibs
> > and nappies that we can wrap the newbies up in
> "Wrap the newbies up in"? Who taught you to speak English? And what's
> with the two spaces after a full stop? It's not 1955 anymore, get with
> the program.
> (See how annoying it is to have the substance of your post completely
> ignored while trivial incidentals are picked on? Are you now even a
> *tiny* bit moved to use a single space after full stops?)
> > as we don't want to offend them.
> It's not about *offending* them. It's about being a tedious, shrill
> nagger that makes the whole environment unpleasant for everybody, not
> just the newbies. If you can give advice without being unpleasant and a
> nag, please do so. Would you rather be "right", and ignored, or
> effective?
> > I mean if we do offend them, they might desert us for
> > places such as stackoverflow, where they can read top voted answers that
> > are completely wrong.
> I keep hearing people say this about StackOverflow, but whenever I
> google on a question I find plenty of good answers there. Yes, I see
> some pretty wrong or silly or ignorant answers, but not as the top-voted
> answer. Can you show me some of these top-voted but wrong answers?
> --
> Steven
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