On 17/02/2014 16:17, Gabriele Brambilla wrote:
Doesn't exist a way in Python to do like in C

for i=0, i<100, i=i+10

? without creating a list of index?


2014-02-17 11:15 GMT-05:00 David Palao <dpalao.pyt...@gmail.com

    Hi Gabriele,
    Without knowing the details of what you are trying, I guess you could
    be interested in looking at how to define your own iterators.


    2014-02-17 17:05 GMT+01:00 Gabriele Brambilla
     > Hi,
     > I'm wondering how I can (if I can) make a for loop in which I
    don't use all
     > the elements.
     > for example
     > a100 = list(range(100))
     > for a in a100:
     >              print(a)
     > it print out to me all the numbers from 0 to 99
     > But if I want to display only the numbers 0, 9, 19, 29, 39,
    ...(one every 10
     > elements) how can I do it WITHOUT defining a new list (my real
    case is not
     > so simple) and WITHOUT building a list of indexes?
     > thank you
     > Gabriele

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