On 21/06/14 00:59, Deb Wyatt wrote:

I see you solved it but for future reference...

I'm using Python 2.7 for this assignment.

input is as follows  (not in code order):
balance = 4213
annualInterestRate = 0.2
monthlyPaymentRate = 0.04
payment = monthlyPaymentRate * balance
balance = balance - payment
total_paid = payment

Not in code order is bad. We want to see the code
- and order matters.

output looks like this:

Month: 1
Minimum monthly payment: 168
Remaining balance: 4111

You show the output but didn't show us how the output was
produced. We had no chance of guessing what you were doing

If you want help you need to help us by showing us the code.
Don't guess at what might be wrong. If its less that, say,
100 lines post the real code and post any errors.

Would any of you have a clue what could be wrong?
Deb in WA, USA

Not if you don't show us your code!

> never mind.  I figured it out.  I was using %d instead
> of %f in my print statements.  duh.

'duh', indeed but how could we possibly have helped since
you didn't post any print statements?

In future post real code, real output and real errors.
That way we have some chance of helping you.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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