On 23/06/14 01:32, Deb Wyatt wrote:

In future post real code, real output and real errors.
That way we have some chance of helping you.
I know, i'm sorry.  I was avoiding posting the actual
> code because it was an assignment,

Its even more important for assignments because without real
code we will tend to assume you haven't tried to do it. If
we can see that you have made a real attempt to solve it
then we will help fix the problem. So always post the
relevant code.

I was really hoping the moderator would see the second
> message and not send either message to the group.

Unfortunately the second came in just after I'd sent the first...

How long does it take to get off of moderation?

Until I notice that somebody is cropping up regularly. :-)
You are now off moderation.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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