On 06/29/2014 03:41 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
I'm looking for tips for an appendix to a book that
I'm working on.

What are the best unofficial (ie not python.org)
resources for people who have learned the basics
but are not experts yet? ie Typical tutor list

I'm thinking about web sites, blogs, books, videos etc.
Anything that might be worth knowing about.

I've got a few of my own - Activestate, O'Reilly,
ByteOfPython, PythonChallenge, ShowMeDo etc.

But I thought the tutor list readers might be an
interesting source of alternatives that I hadn't
thought of, or even heard of.

All contributions considered :-)

Some stuff that I've bookmarked over time... not all of which I've actually go around to making use of :(





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