Hi Chris,

Wait.  There is one more possibility that I didn't account for: it may
be that somehow you haven't installed facebook-sdk, but you may have
installed some other package that is providing a facebook.py library.

I've was looking more closely at the source code to try to file a bug for you:


but when I look again at the reported error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./fb1.py", line 6, in <module>
    import facebook
line 811
    args = {k: v for k, v in args.iteritems() if v is not None}
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

As of this writing, I still can't find such a file or line in the facebook-sdk.

So that is very weird, right?

I have to consider the possibility, then, that the library file in:


might not be the one provided by facebook-sdk: it sounds like it's
coming from Somewhere Else.

I'd like you to do two things:

1.  Can you put that file somewhere in a pastebin so that someone can
investigate where it comes from?

2.  Can you see if there's a directory called:


Let us know if you see such a directory.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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