Lucia Stockdale wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have been writing a program to print words backwards until an an empty
> line of input is entered, but after I put in the input it comes up with
> TypeError.

In the future please include the traceback (cut and paste, don't rephrase).
> This is my goal:
> Line: hello world
> olleh dlrow
> Line: extra
> artxe
> Line: i love python
> i evol nohtyp
> Line:
> This is my current code:
> line = input('Line: ')
> while line != '':
>   line = line[len(line):0:-1]

Python uses half-open intervals; thus line[0] is not included in the result.

    line = line[::-1]

to reverse the string.

>   line = line.split()
>   line = line.reverse()

The reverse() method modifies the line in place, and by convention such 
methods return None in Python. Change the above line to


>   line = (' '.join(line))
>   print(line)

I see another problem, the while loop will run at most once, but you should 
be able to fix that yourself.

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