On 21Aug2014 13:03, Lucia Stockdale <lucia.stockd...@mggs.vic.edu.au> wrote:
I have been writing a program to print words backwards until an an empty line 
of input is entered,
but after I put in the input it comes up with TypeError.

Hi Lucia,

It would be helpful to include the whole traceback that Python shows you. Can you reply including this information please?

At the least it should tell you the precise line on which the error occurs. Then you can insert a print() call before that particular line to show the values or types involved.

Line: i love python
i evol nohtyp

Thanks for providing a nice clear description of the desired output.

This is my current code:
line = input('Line: ')
while line != '':
 line = line[len(line):0:-1]

You might find:
  line = line.strip()

 line = line.split()

"line" used to be a string. Now it is an array of strings. I tend to write this as:

  words = line.split()

and work with the name "words" from there on. It keeps it clearer in the mind the different types of values in play.

Anyway, come back wish a traceback and the results of any other experiments you make with your program and we'll see where we are.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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