Yes, I also found Py.test  is a good testing framework for automation testing. 
Another one is Robot testing framework. It's also a testing framework based on 
Python Unittest framework.
Hard to pick one to use:)
Thank you,Michelle 

> To:
> From:
> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 22:08:55 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python&Pytest
> CC:;
> In a message of Fri, 12 Jun 2015 17:26:42 +0100, Alan Gauld writes:
> >I stand corrected but it still seems to me like its easier to
> >test in the language in which you develop. And most languages
> >have testing frameworks these days.
> Many languages have extremely poor testing frameworks.  And when it
> came time to do testing of the javascript code of the web client
> of our python app, we found that there wasn't anything available
> for doing exactly that.
> >And when there are large paradigm differences in the languages
> >that's even more true. Testing JS (or even Haskell) in Python
> >seems like a weird choice!
> I don't see this at all.  By this logic, we would have been better
> off writing a test framework in javascript to handle our javascript
> code.  But our experience is that, whenever possible, you are always
> better off not using javascript and programming in another language.
> Plus the real challenge here was testing our code in the collection
> of browsers expected to run it.  We found lots and lots and lots
> of javascript bugs.
> Py.test (as pytest was called at the time) was already happy to do
> practically all of the heavy lifting for us.  Pick this up, throw it
> at something, get a result compare the result to what you are looking
> for -- all of that was handled.  So all we had to do was write the
> stuff that actually went out and ran the things in the browser.
> It's not a lot of code.
> Laura
> >-- 
> >Alan G
> >Author of the Learn to Program web site
> >
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