To whom it may concern,

I need help creating a program for the following assignment:

XYZ Corporation sells products online.  The company has a large warehouse in 
which it stores its inventory of products.  Orders are picked, packed and 
shipped from the warehouse.

XYZ Corporation has contracted with you to write a program that will minimize 
the number of steps that the staff in the warehouse (called ODA's) take in 
picking the products ordered by customers.

The information you will need to complete this assignment are in the following 

Specifications: CTIM285_Summer_2016_FinalExam.pdf
Warehouse Map: WarehouseImage.pdf
Data for Analysis:  warehouse_data_final_exam_Python.txt
Data for Analysis is saved in this order on each line of the file:
[orderNumber, partNumber, quantyNumber, aisleNumber, shelfNumber, binNumber]

This is what I have so far:

infile = open("warehouse_data.txt", "r")

class Order():
    def __init__(self, order_number, line_items):
        self.order_number = order_number
        line_items = line_items

class LineItem():
    def __init__(self, orderNumber, partNumber, quantityNumber, aisleNumber, 
shelfNumber, binNumber):
        self.orderNumber = orderNumber
        self.partNumber = partNumber
        self.quantityNumber = quantityNumber
        self.aisleNumber = aisleNumber
        self.shelfNumber = shelfNumber
        binNumber = binNumber

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