On 13/09/16 21:11, Glen Reytas wrote:

> I have a basic knowledge in Python and I would like to enhance it by
> engaging in a payroll project. For you to gauge my coding level, I finished
> the Python course at codecademy.com but it was 2-3 years ago. Since then I
> haven't coded aside from HTML.

I don;t have a lot on Flask, I only read the tutorial stuff
on the Flask web site and watched a couple of YouTube videos.

> So, I would appreciate if you could provide me a series of topics that
> would help me code my first python project and be online at the end of it.

To build a payroll application requires quite a lot of skills, usually
including a database of some kind and a lot of security type stuff. Do
you have experience in either of those areas? Also you need to test it
really thoroughly, especially around areas involving legal rules (like
taxes, overtime rates, max/min hours etc etc.) It's not something I'd
choose as a first project unless you are only doing a very simplistic
payslip viewer or similar - and even then data protection legislation
will likely still be applicable.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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