Hi there, I've been working on code that takes a text file that represents a 
specific Deterministic Finite Automata.

The text files are set up in a specific way so that line 1 specifies the number 
of states. Line 2 specifies the states (i.e., just a list of the names of the 
states, separated by spaces). Line 3 specifies the size of the alphabet. Line 4 
specifies the alphabet. Lines 5-7 give the transition function, each row 
corresponding to a state (in order specified on line 2) and each column 
corresponding to a symbol from the alphabet (in order specified on line 4). 
Line 8 specifies the start state. Line 9 specifies the number of final/accept 
states. Line 10 specifies the final states.

I have already constructed some functions but next I want to construct a 
function determining, for any DFA M, whether or not L(M) = 0  i.e., whether or 
not there exists at least one string that is accepted by M. if the language If 
L(M) = 0 then I want “language empty” printed. If L(M) != 0; then i need to 
print “language non-empty - xxxx accepted”, where xxxx is replaced by some 
string that is accepted by M.

I wanted to use breath first search in order to determine the existence of a 
path. Code below is all I've done so far but i'm struggling to find a way in 
which to link the states with the transitions in the text file.

hope you can give me some direction and advice.

def NonEmptiness(dic):

dic = openTextFile(dic)


theString = ""
visited = []
queue = dic['states'].split()

newStates = dic['states']

newStatesFinal = re.sub(' ','', newStates)
newAplhabet = re.sub(' ','', dic['alphabet'])

while queue:
currentState = queue.pop(0)
for a in newAplhabet:
if (currentState, a) == (newStatesFinal[0], newAplhabet[0]):
if dic['transitionStates'][0][0] != dic['finalStates'][0] or 
theString + a

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