On 21/04/18 12:50, tracey jones-Francis wrote:
> Hi there, I've been working on code 

I've only glanced at this but one thing jumped out at me:

> while queue:
> currentState = queue.pop(0)
> visited.append(currentState)
> #print(visited)
> for a in newAplhabet:
> if (currentState, a) == (newStatesFinal[0], newAplhabet[0]):
> if dic['transitionStates'][0][0] != dic['finalStates'][0] or 
> dic['finalStates'][2]:

This reads to Python like

if X != A or B

which it parses as

if (X != A) or B

Is that what you intended?
It may be the case but, if so, it's a rather cryptic way of
expressing it.

Alan G
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