On 06/02/2019 16:33, ingo janssen wrote:
For parsing the out put of the Voro++ program and writing the data to a POV-Ray include file I created a bunch of functions.

def pop_left_slice(inputlist, length):
   outputlist = inputlist[0:length]
   del inputlist[:length]
   return outputlist

That's going to a lot of work slicing and dicing the input lists. Perhaps a chunked recipe like this https://more-itertools.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.html#more_itertools.chunked would be better.

this is used by every function to chop of the required part of the input line. Two examples of the functions that proces a chopped of slice of the line and append the data to the approriate list.

def f_vector(outlist):
   x,y,z = pop_left_slice(line,3)

def f_vector_array(outlist, length):
   rv = pop_left_slice(line, length)
   rv = [f'<{i[1:-1]}>' for i in rv]  #i format is: '(1.234,2.345,3.456)'
   rv = ",".join(rv)
  outlist.append(f"  //label: {lbl}\n  array[{length}]"+"{\n "+rv+"\n }\n")

Every line can contain up to 21 data chunks. Within one file each line contains the same amount of chunks, but it varies between files. The types of chunks vary and their position varies. I know beforehand how a line in a file is constructed. I'd like to adapt the order in that the functions are applied, but how?

I suspect that you're trying to over complicate things, what's wrong with a simple if/elif chain, a switch based on a dict or similar?

for i, line in enumerate(open("vorodat.vol",'r')):
   points = i+1

enumerate takes a start argument so you shouldn't need the above line.

   line = line.strip()
   line = line.split(" ")
   lbl = f_label(label)

Presumably the above is points?


I thought about putting the functions in a dict and then create a list with the proper order, but can't get it to work.

Please show us your code and exactly why it didn't work.

A second question, all this works for small files with hundreds of lines, but some have 100000. Then I can get at max 22 lists with 100000 items. Not fun. I tried writing the data to a file "out of sequence", not fun either. What would be the way to do this? I thought about writing each data chunk to a proper temporary file instead of putting it in a list first. This would require at max 22 temp files and then a merge of the files into one.

I'm not absolutely sure what you're saying here, but would something like the SortedList from http://www.grantjenks.com/docs/sortedcontainers/ help?


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