ingo janssen wrote:

> On 07/02/2019 11:08, Peter Otten wrote:
>> replace the sequence of tests with dictionary lookups
> updated the gist a few times, now I could pre calculate the slices to be
> taken per line, but will there be much gain compared to the copping from
> the left side of the list?

Sorry, I don't understand the question.

Looking at your code

>         if action == "%i":
>             lbl = function[action](content[action])

you really do not need the function[action] lookup here because you know 
that the result will always be f_number. Likewise you could bind 
content["%i"] to a name, labels, say, and then write

if action == "%s":
    lbl = f_number(labels)

which I find much more readable. 

A lookup table only makes sense if provides all necessary information. I 
tried to apply the idea to one of your gist versions:

def set_lbl(items):
    global lbl
    lbl = f_number(items)

def set_w(items):
    global v
    v = f_number(items)

def set_f(items):
    global f
    f = f_number(items)

def set_mx(items):
    global mx
    mx = mx_value_array(items, f)

function = {
    "%i" : set_lbl,
    "%w" : set_w,
    "%s" : set_f,
    "%a" : set_mx,
    "%q" : f_vector,
    "%r" : f_value,
    "%p" : lambda items: f_vector_array(items, v),
    "%P" : lambda items: f_vector_array(items, v),
    "%o" : lambda items: f_value_array(items, v),
    "%m" : f_value,
    "%g" : f_number,
    "%E" : f_value,
    "%e" : lambda items: f_value_array(items, f),
    "%F" : f_value,
    "%A" : lambda items: f_value_array(items, mx + 1),
    "%f" : lambda items: f_value_array(items, f),
    "%t" : lambda items: f_nested_value_array(items, f),
    "%l" : lambda items: f_vector_array(items, f),
    "%n" : lambda items: f_value_array(items, f),
    "%v" : f_value,
    "%c" : f_vector,
    "%C" : f_vector

order = "%i %q %r %w %p %P %o %m %g %E %s %e %F %a %A %f %t %l %n %v %c %C"
order = re.findall("%[a-z]",order,re.M|re.I)
content = {}

actions = []

for i in order:
    items = content[i] = []
    actions.append(partial(function[i], items))

for points, line in enumerate(open("vorodat.txt.vol",'r'), 1):
    line = line.strip()
    line = line.split(" ")
    for action in actions:

However, while the loop is rather clean now the rest of the code is 
sprinkled with implicit arguments and thus much worse than what you have.

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