On 04/05/2019 15:35, nathan tech wrote:
> It has to be said, after extensive research, and responses here, it 
> seems python was just not designed to be a commercial product.

That depends. Python wasn't designed to be a commercial product
in that it is an open source programming language and interpreter
and so is free and inherently non-commercial(*).

Can it produce commercial products? Of course it can and has.
It is no different to any other similar development environment
such as Visual Basic, PHP, even JAVA or Lisp or Smalltalk.

> Licenses are all well and good, but if you're hacking a product, you're 
> just not going to be stopped by a lisence.

True, but you can hack any product regardless of the language,
even C++ or assembler can be hacked. The vast majority of users
don't have the skills nor the time nor the inclination. And,
if you can catch them, the license allows you to sue...

> Furthering to that, if I ever sold products it would be £5, or $7, and 7 
> bucks just isn't worth all the effort to make python difficult to hack.

7 bucks isn't worth building a commercial product, unless you are sure
you will sell 100's of thousands. And 7 bucks is also not worth the
time and effort of hacking anything! But there are commercial products
that sell for 100s of dollars that are written, in part at least, in Python.

> Nothing is impossible, but, deterring the average user just for $7? Not 
> worth it.

A license is cheap to produce and deters the "average user".
Very few users will know how to hack code of any kind, and
even those that do will have better  things to do with
their time than try to save 7 bucks!

The real question is whether you can produce something
that is worth $7 to your customers. If it is they will
buy it. If not they will look elsewhere, they won't try to
decompile it and disable the protection - assuming you
installed any.

If your software is worth, say, $700 then possibly they
might think about spending time getting round the license.
Then it might be worth some minor effort on protection.
but not much because if they really want to they can
reverse engineer it regardless. That's the rules and
reality of commercial software.

The value lies in always being one step better than
the guys who are following. That's how Adobe, et al
maintain their lead and why they keep issuing updates!

(*)Even open source can be commercial if you build a
support plan around it. Red Hat and Cygnus are good
examples of that strategy. Selling support for
opensource software can work.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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