On Sun, May 12, 2019 at 8:05 AM Arup Rakshit <a...@zeit.io> wrote:
> In the following the function, x is reachable outside the scope of foo 
> function.
> In [1]: x = 10
> In [2]: def foo():
>    ...:     return x
>    ...:
> In [3]: print(foo())
> 10

To what the others have said I wish to point out that if x is
reassigned _inside the function_ x's scope is now local inside the
function while x also still has a module scope. Consider:

3.6.8:  x = 10
3.6.8:  def foo():
...     x = 5
...     print("In foo x =", x)
3.6.8:  foo()
In foo x = 5
3.6.8:  print("In module scope, x =", x)
In module scope, x = 10

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