
>On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 08:23:33PM +0900, TOYAMA Shin-ichi wrote:
>> I did some  trial-and-error testing on Fedora Core 2 for this 
>> issue.
>> At first, I changed definition of Icon-file in
>> '/usr/share/gnome/apps/Graphics/tuxpaint.desktop'
>>   Icon=tuxpaint   --->   Icon=gedit-icon
>> So, everything is O.K. except for that the Icon of Gnome-edit will 
>> appear ;-)
>> Next, I restored 'tuxpaint.desktop' and replaced tuxpaint.png 
>> with gedit-icon.png. So, It's NOT O.K. (Panel Crash!!)
>> Hummm, It's mysterious.
>Hrm, that is strange!  FYI, the file that's being used is
>"data/images/icon.png" from inside Tux Paint.  (It gets copied as
>"tuxpaint.png" when installed in the Gnome panel.)
>It looks fine when loaded with The Gimp.
>I re-saved it from The Gimp, and the file size is about 1K larger.
>Can you do me a favor and pull the latest from CVS and see if
>re-saving the file helped?

I tried new icon and met same result.
But! It was resolved by another way.

It was just off the top of my head that I placed a 48x48 png 
icon into "/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/apps/" and the panel 
stopped crashing.


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