On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 04:59:03PM -0600, David Douthitt wrote:
> You mean as an optional requirement (oxymoron?)?

Well, yeah!  :)  I mean, Tux Paint can be _used_ w/o printing. :^)

> Not really.
> You can put in "BuildRequires" for the build, and "Requires" for the 
> installation - and you can control versions in numerous ways.


> This might be a case for DAG, yes?  For him to modify the tuxpaint RPM, 
> I mean...

Yeah, although we do ship a "tuxpaint.spec" in the source release, so
they may have just used that.

> Probably wise.  Also, I suspect the "cat" in the command string is 
> superfluous (if that is the command you use).

No, I only used that for your testing.  The actual command doesn't
contain a "cat", since no file is generated.  It's simply piped directly
from Tux Paint into "pngtopnm"'s STDIN.

> Be careful about search 
> paths, too - otherwise I could create a pnmtops and it could compromise 
> the machine.

I'm leaving it up the the popen() and corresponding shell, which I /think/
is reasonable.  Most apps that use "lpr" for printing simply ship with
"lpr" as the print command, not "/usr/bin/lpr" or anything else more

In general, I think the Unix/Linux/OSX printing should be improved a little,
with Tux Paint writing out PostScript itself, if at all possible...

In the meantime, can you install NetPBM and see if Tux Paint still crashes
when you go to print? :^)

Thanks for the reports & suggestions (and keep them coming!),
and sorry for the inconvenience!

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