On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 02:59, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> In setup(), we have the following that Albert C. recently added:
>   if (!no_system_fonts)
>   {
> #ifdef WIN32
>     // add Windows font dir here
> #else
>     loadfonts("/usr/share/feh/fonts", 0);
>     loadfonts("/usr/share/fonts", 0);
>     loadfonts("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts", 0);
>     loadfonts("/usr/share/texmf/fonts", 0);
>     loadfonts("/usr/share/grace/fonts/type1", 0);
>     loadfonts("/usr/share/hatman/fonts", 0);
>     loadfonts("/usr/share/icewm/themes/jim-mac", 0);
>     loadfonts("/usr/share/vlc/skins2/fonts", 0);
>     loadfonts("/usr/share/xplanet/fonts", 0);
> #endif
>   }
> Can Win32, Mac OS X and BeOS folks let me know what paths would be good
> to add for your respective OSes?

I was just digging up MacOS X, since SourceForge has a Mac
in the compile farm.

Problem: many of the fonts are without file extensions

(there may also be a temporary problem with them appearing
to be empty files, but I've seen FreeType patches to make
the fonts loadable by using "%s/rsrc" with the filename)

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