On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Terry Knab <te...@knab.org> wrote:

>  Farah Fawcett has passed away at 9:28 am Pacific

Normally I would be making fun of CNN anchor Tony Harris reportage of this
story (he is treating her as one of the major stars and actresses of her
generation - she was not). But, while I don't approve, in this case I can
not condemn. When I was in high school that poster was EVERYWHERE. We didn't
have the internet, we had cheesecake posters, and that was #1 (my personal
favorite was a fetching Linda Ronstadt poster, and a little later a very
nice Cheryl Ladd poster, but Fawcett was clearly the most popular). I never
had her poster in my room (my parents would not have gone for that) but she
was on the walls of half my friends rooms (and on the inside closet door of
the other half). For men of my generation she became, quite apart from her
talent as an actress or the quality of her roles, a major definition of
female sexuality.

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